Saturday, April 6, 2013

SGKL IU Day 2013

Yesterday, 05.06.13 was Sri Garden's IU day. Their theme this year was LONDONMOSCOWHAWAII. So as the former IU director, i went back to school to support their IU this year :) the show was amazing, they did a really good job. performances was good. It feels so good to be back in school meeting teachers and juniors. but of course reuniting with the high school friends. After the IU we went for dinner then for a movie. Day well spent :) well done to the 2013's IU team :)

 i just miss this place 

 the 6 of us. missing jasmine :(
incomplete 6

 i miss that guy in purple :( mr raj

 eelynn with her new and improved hair.
she looks like a korean now. SWAGCHECKKK
 not forgetting,
happy amazing 18th birthday to my coussinnnn JILLIAN! :)
She's at legal age nowww. fuyohhh

 nicole and her boooyyyfff
 Soon yang trying to immitate nicole's camwhore face :)
Brendaaa and I before the movie :)
the bags hanger :D 
AHHH l.o.v.e 

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