Wednesday, August 3, 2011


TCSH MUN is in like 2 days. i have not done any research or my opening speech :(( Im so tired now. just finished something really important. Homework not done. :/ its a hectic and effed up week! oh well. life must go on! Mummy's going to taiwan on friday for 10 DAYS. T.T hopes for a better week! Sleeping over at Nicole's on friday. Saturday's SHARON'S BIRTHDAY! soooo, u know what to do! ;) stay tune for all these upcoming posts! :3 


 Finally had my SHIMINO CREPE after so long.
Oh and yes, Pavilion opened the new TOKYO STREET. what i heard was
75% of the stuffs or food or whatsoever are imported from japan whereas 25% from malaysia :)
they have a lot of restaurants there. will give it a try one day. quite a number of things to buy.
i have been updating a lot of lame and random updates. SORRY!
till then, xx

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