Friday, July 22, 2011


So, friday. mmhmm.
today's busy friday, everyone's busy with IFF! decorations and stuffs. sooooo, its not a busy day for me though. LOL. i did nothing but strolled around the corridors. because everyones busy with decorations, we barely had class. mostly, half of the class is out.

After school, went over to jasmine's to BAKE. we baked cupcakes. we kind of failed at first. but succeeded at the second time :)) hurray for us! *thumbs up for The almighty chef sharon! we also made homemade yoghurt! with some strawberries. It tasted good! Ate aloooot today T.T Gaining weight :(( 

Pictures credit to Jasmine :))

 HAHAH FAILED! first attempt
 chef wong
 Blending strawberries

 Look at our pretty cupcakes :))

 sort of failed ones. had to eat them cant waste it. it still taste good though


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